Saturday, January 10, 2009


Hello to everyone back home. We made it? :-)
We arived in boston about an two hours ago (9pm eastern time.), with little troubles or mishaps. The weather was really only troublesome in Wisconsin and in Ohio. We made the (un)fortunate mistake of stopping to try and get a bite to eat in Gary, Indiana, which we now refer to as "America's armpit". We came through Cleveland late at night and didn't get to see much more than the stadium. Our drivers pushed themselves pretty hard to make up for lost time due to the weather, and we did make it to Niagara Falls as well, but it was unfortunately not lit up. Although we did get to get to a pretty close vantage point and look over to Canada.

Right now 6 of our group are napping, while Jay, Shuchi, and myself are all walking around the MIT campus and seeing what it has to offer. Everything is definitely very stylish and modern, but their main building that is equivalent to our Red Gym is insanely huge. Behind it there is a really great view of the city, and the bridge into downtown Boston. Actually for a school that only accepted 540 students this's a huge campus. Their Student Center (union), is almost as big, if not bigger than U South.

We have the oppurtunity to start doing work with CASPAR tonight, or at least of a few of us are welcome to volunteer to serve dinner, but they are mostly just giving us this day to ourselves to rest up and see the city.

Eat your heart out,


ps: prepare for Gary inside jokes.

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